The Evolutionary Robotics Homepage
Evolutionary Robotics is a new technique for the automatic creation of autonomous
robots. It is inspired upon the Darwinian principle of selective reproduction of the
fittest. It is a new approach that looks at robots as autonomous artificial organisms that
develop their own skills in close interaction with the environment without human
intervention. Heavily drawing from natural sciences like biology and ethology,
evolutionary robotics makes use of tools like neural networks, genetic algorithms, dynamic
systems, and bio-morphic engineering. (for more information see Nolfi S., and Floreano D.
(2000). Evolutionary Robotics: The Biology, Intelligence, and Technology of
Self-Organizing Machines. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press/Bradford Books).
Research Groups
- Europe
- G.R.A.L,
Institute of Psychology C.N.R., Rome, Italy
- Autonomous Agents, Milano, Italy
- Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems at COGS, U.K.
- Mobile Robots Group, Edinburgh, U.K.
- Neurocomputing and Robotics Group (NRG) - University of Sheffield -
- LAMI at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- AILab,
University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Idsia,
Lugano, Switzerland
- AnimatLab, France
- VUB AI Lab, Brussels, Belgium
- LegoLab, Aarhus University, Denmark
- Department of
Computer Science, University of Dortmund, Germany
- Asia
- Sony
CSL, Japan
- Asada Laboratory, Osaka University, Japan
- Fukuda-Vachkov Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan
- Human
Information Processing Research Laboratory, ATR, Japan
- ElectroTechnical
Laboratory (ETL), Japan
- U.S.A. and Canada
- Autonomous Autonomous Agents Research Group, Case Western Reserve
University, USA.
- Demo Lab, Brandeis, U.S.A.
- Navy Center for Applied
Research on Artificial Intelligence, Washington DC, USA
- Robotics Research Group, University of Southern
California, U.S.A.
- Mobile Robot Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Applied AI
Systems Inc., Canada/Japan
- Adaptive Behavior Journal Society of Adaptive Behavior
- Artificial Life Journal MIT Press
- Evolutionary Computation MIT Press
- Artificial Life and Robotics Springer
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems Elsevier
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine
- IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and
- IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary
- Behavioral and Brain Science
Cambridge University Press.
Online Resources
- Papers on Line by Ezequiel A. Di Paolo
- World Internet Robotics Sources by Indiana University USA
- Conferences by AILab, Zurich
- Robotics in Japan by Uwe Zimmer
Researchers' Home Pages:
Last Update: July 2000
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Stefano Nolfi
Institute of Cognitive Science and Technologies
National Research Council (CNR)
Via S. Martino della Battaglia 44, 00185, Roma, Italy
Phone.: +39-06-44595233
Fax : +39-06-44595243