Calabretta, R. (in
preparation). The new book about Doparie, ictus and sport
(the title is still undecided).
Calabretta, R. (2010). Doparie, dopo le primarie. Diario di un elettore
errante alla ricerca della felicita'. Nutrimenti editore, Rome.
Calabretta, R. (2007,
second edition). .
Alberto Gaffi Editore, Rome. [A structural
science-in-fiction novel on emotions (in Italian), published
on May 2006 and cited in the newspaper la To download the book for free, click here| The Novel overview and incipit (in English)
Nolfi, S., Baldassarre G., Calabretta R.,
Hallam J., Marocco D., Meyer J-A., Parisi, D. (2006). From
animals to animats 9: Proceedings of the Ninth International
Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour, LNAI. Volume
4095. Springer Verlag, Berlin
Di Fuccio, Raffaele; Di Ferdinando, Andrea; Rubinacci, Franco; Ferrara, Fabrizio; Diano, Federico; and Calabretta, R. (2020). Qualitative acceptance and co-design of an app aimed at improving emotional intelligence for precarious workers. The Second Symposium on Psychology Based Technologies (PSYCHOBIT2020), Napoli, 28-29/09/2020 [abstract]
Diano, F., Ferrara, F. and Calabretta, R. (2019). The development of a mindfulness-based mobile application to learn emotional self-regulation. Proceedings of the First Symposium on Psychology-Based Technologies (PSYCHOBIT 2019), Naples, September 25-26. [abstract]
Iandoli, L., Quinto, I., Spada, P., Klein, M. and Calabretta, R. (2018). Supporting argumentation in online political debate: Evidence from an experiment of collective deliberation. New Media & Society 20(4), 1320–1341.
Spada, P., Calabretta, R, Klein, M., Iandoli, L. and Quinto, I. (under review). A first step toward scaling-up deliberation: Optimizing large group e-deliberation using argument maps.
Calabretta, R. & Neirotti, J. (2015). Adaptive agents in changing environments: the role of modularity. Neural Processing Letters 42(2), 257-274. doi:10.1007/s11063-014-9355-8 [abstract; pdf]
Calabretta, R. et al. (in preparation). Intra-party democracy and doparie.
Spada, P., Klein, M., Calabretta, R., Iandoli, L. and Quinto, I. (2014). Supporting large groups in e-deliberation through online argumentation platforms. Paper presented at the workshop "Establishing an Oper Research and Action Community Network". September 29-30, The Open University, London Campus, UK.
Spada, P., Klein, M., Calabretta, R., Iandoli, L. and Quinto, I. (2014). Outcomes of large groups e-deliberation. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association (APSA). August, 30. Washington, DC.
Calabretta, R. (2013). A novel's structure as a complex system. International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving 23(2), 113-120.
Klein, M. Spada, P. & Calabretta, R. (2012). Enabling Deliberations in a Political Party Using Large-Scale Argumentation: A Preliminary Report. 10th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems From research to practice: Results and open challenges. Large Scale Idea Management and Deliberation Systems Workshop. Marseille, May 29, 2012. [pdf]
Fishkin, J. & Calabretta, R. (2012). Lesson to political parties: here is the method for really listening to citizen. Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University.[pdf] [Italian version: Lezione per i partiti: ecco il metodo per ascoltare davvero i cittadini, Reset, 201
Calabretta, R. (2011). Doparies: A Novel Party Deliberative and Aggregative Decision-Making Mechanism to Improve the Quality of Representative Democracy. Sage Open doi:10.1177/2158244011433699 [full text; pdf]
Calabretta, R. (in preparation). The origin of brain modules. QuantumBioSystems (invited paper)
Calabretta, R. (2010). A hypertextual novel that dramatizes the process of its creation and proposes techniques to increase creativity. Biological Theory (MIT Press) 5(2), 102-105. [pdf]
Calabretta, R. (2010). Evolution, (sequential) learning and generalization in modular and nonmodular visual neural networks. In Graeme Ruxton & Colin Tosh (Eds.), Modelling Perception with Artificial Neural Networks. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Calabretta, R. (2009). Genetic Algorithms. In L. Douglas Kiel (Ed.), Knowledge Management, Organizational Intelligence and Learning, and Complexity, v. 1 (Print Volume: ISBN 978-1-84826-911-8), pp. 208-303, Unesco Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. EOLSS Publishers, Oxford.
Calabretta, R., Di Ferdinando, A., Parisi, D., Keil, F. C. (2008). How to learn multiple tasks. Biological Theory (MIT Press) 3(1), 30-41. [pdf] [draft: pdf]
Calabretta, R. (2008). An experimental lab-lit novel. Interjournal of Complex Systems.
Calabretta, R. (2007). Genetic interference reduces the evolvability of modular and nonmodular visual neural networks. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 362(1469), 403-10. (invited paper) [abstract; full text; pdf] [draft: doc, pdf]
Calabretta, R., (2007). The movie of emotions: A novel's experimental modular structure that conveys scientific theories and research findings. Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Systems. New England Complex Systems Institute (Ed.), Cambridge, MA.
Calabretta, R. & Parisi, D. (2005). Evolutionary Connectionism and Mind/Brain Modularity. In W. Callabaut & D. Rasskin-Gutman (Eds.), Modularity. Understanding the development and evolution of complex natural systems, pp. 309-330. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. [pdf] [draft: doc, pdf]
Wagner, G. P., Mezey, J. & Calabretta, R. (2005). Natural selection and the origin of modules. In W. Callabaut & D. Rasskin-Gutman (Eds.), Modularity. Understanding the development and evolution of complex natural systems, pp. 33-49. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [pdf] [draft: doc, pdf]
Calabretta, R., Di Ferdinando, A., & Parisi, D. (2004). Ecological neural networks for object recognition and generalization. Neural Processing Letters 19, 37-48 [pdf] [draft: doc, pdf]
Calabretta, R., Di Ferdinando, A., Wagner, G. P. & Parisi, D. (2003). What does it take to evolve behaviorally complex organisms? BioSystems 69, 245-262. [pdf] [draft: doc, pdf]
Calabretta, R., Di Ferdinando, A., Keil, F. C., Parisi, D. (2002). Sequential learning in nonmodular neural networks. Abstract in the Proceedings of the Special Workshop on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Learning, European Society for the study of Cognitive Systems, Clichy (Paris, France), 17-19 January 2002.
Calabretta, R. (2002). An evo-devo approach to modularity of mind. Proceedings of International Conference on Complex Systems. New England Complex Systems Institute (Ed.), Cambridge, MA.
Di Ferdinando, A., Calabretta, R., & Parisi, D. (2001). Evolving modular architectures for neural networks. In R. French & J. Sougne' (Eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop Evolution, Learning, and Development, pp. 253-262, London: Springer Verlag. [pdf] [draft: abstract, pdf, doc]
Calabretta, R., Nolfi, S., Parisi, D. & Wagner, G.P. (2000). Duplication of modules facilitates the evolution of functional specialization. Artificial Life 6:69-84. Also Technical report # 59, Yale Center for Computational Ecology, Yale University. [pdf] [draft: abstract, pdf]
Calabretta, R., Nolfi, S., Parisi, D. & Wagner, G. P. (2000). An artificial life model for investigating the evolution of modularity. In Y. Bar-Yam, (ed.), Unifying Themes in Complex Systems, Reading, MA: Perseus Books. Also published by the New England Complex Systems Institute in the Interjournal of Complex Systems Manuscript Number: [97]
Di Ferdinando, A., Calabretta, R., & Parisi, D. (2000). Evolution of modularity in a vision task. Technical Report, IP/CNR SNVA 00-2.
Calabretta, R. (1999). Genetic Algorithms. To appear in UNESCO - ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS (EOLSS) (eBook: ISBN: 978-1-905839-11-7). Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK. []
Calabretta, R., Nolfi, S., Parisi, D. & Wagner, G.P. (1998a). A case study of the evolution of modularity: towards a bridge between evolutionary biology, artificial life, neuro- and cognitive science. In C. Adami, R. Belew, H. Kitano, and C. Taylor (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life, pp. 275-284, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [pdf] [draft: abstract, pdf]
Calabretta, R., Nolfi, S., Parisi, D. & Wagner, G.P. (1998b). Emergence of functional modularity in robots. In R. Pfeifer, B. Blumberg, J.-A. Meyer and S.W. Wilson (eds.), From Animals to Animats 5, pp. 497-504, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [pdf] [draft: abstract, pdf]
Calabretta, R. (1998). Cellular automata in an artificial life perspective. In S. Bandini, R. Serra, F. Suggi Liverani (eds.), Cellular Automata: Research towards Industry, pp. 243-246, Springer-Verlag. [draft: pdf, ps]
Calabretta, R., Galbiati, R., Nolfi, S. & Parisi, D. (1998). Diploid robots adapting to fast changing environments. In F. Niklasson, M. Boden and T. Ziemke (eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, pp. 1145-1150, Springer-Verlag.
Calabretta, R., Galbiati, R., Parisi, D. & Wagner, G.P. (1997). A unified science of natural and artificial adaptative systems. Technical Report, IP/CNR SNVA 97-014.
Calabretta, R., Galbiati, R., Nolfi, S. & Parisi, D. (1997). Investigating the role of diploidy in simulated populations of evolving individuals. Electronic Proceedings of the 1997 European Conference on Artificial Life. [draft: abstract, pdf]
Calabretta, R., Nolfi, S., Parisi, D. & Wagner, G.P. (1997). Evolutionary mechanisms for the origin of modular design in artificial neural networks. Technical Report # 51 Yale Center for Computational Ecology.
Morea, V., Calabretta, R., Giordano, C., Consalvi, V., Scandurra, R. & Gallina, C. (1997). Peptidyl phenoxymethyl ketones as active-site directed inhibitors of cysteine proteases. "Protease Day" Meeting, Istituto di Ricerche di Biologia Molecolare (IRBM), Pomezia, February 24.
Calabretta, R., Galbiati, R., Nolfi, S., & Parisi, D. (1996). Two is better than one: a diploid genotype for neural networks. Neural Processing Letters 4:149-155. [pdf] [draft: abstract, pdf]
Calabretta, R., Nolfi, S., & Parisi, D. (1995). An Artificial life model for predicting the tertiary structure of unknown proteins that emulate the folding process. In F. Moran, A. Moreno, J.J. Merelo, and P Chacon (eds.), pp. 353-367, Advances in Artificial Life. Berlin Heidelberg, Springer Verlag. [abstract, pdf]
Calabretta, R., Giordano, C., Gallina, C., Morea, V., Consalvi, V. & Scandurra, R. (1995). Peptidyl and azapeptidyl methylketones as substrate analogue inhibitors of papain and cathepsin B. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 30:931-941. [pdf]
Banci, G., Calabretta, R., Nolfi, S. & Monini, S. (1994). Voice analysis in patients with glottal disorders. Physica Medica 10(4):139-140.
Giordano, C., Calabretta, R., Gallina, C., Chiaia Noya, F. & Franchini, C. (1993). Synthesis and inhibiting activities of 1-peptidyl-2-haloacetyl hydrazines toward cathepsin B and calpains. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 28:297-311. [pdf]
Giordano, C., Calabretta, R., Gallina, C., Consalvi, V., Scandurra, R., Chiaia Noya, F. & Franchini, C. (1993). Iodo an diiodotyrosine epoxysuccinyl derivatives as selective inhibitors of cathepsin B. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 28: 917-926. [pdf]
Giordano, C., Calabretta, R., Gallina, C., Consalvi, V. & Scandurra, R. (1991). 1-Peptidyl-2-haloacetyl hydrazines as active site directed inhibitors of papain and cathepsin b. Farmaco 46:1497-1516. [pdf]
Calabretta, R., Gallina, C. & Giordano, C. (1991). Sodium cyanoborohydride reduction of (benzyloxycarbonyl)- and (tert-butoxycarbonyl)hydrazones. Synthesis 7:536-539. [pdf]
Giordano, C., Calabretta, R., Gallina, C. & others (1994). Inhibition of human liver cathepsin B by peptidyl- haloacetylhydrazines and structural variations to reduce their non-specific alkylating properties, XIII International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Paris, Sept. 19-23.
Calabretta, R., Morea, V., Giordano, C. & others (1993). Peptide and azapeptide methylketones as substrate analogue inhibitors of papain and cathepsin B, Joint Meeting Society for Drug Research/Societa' Chimica Italiana (Divisione Chimica Farmaceutica), Cambridge, UK, July 14-16.
Calabretta, R., Gallina, C., Giordano, C. and & (1992). 1-Peptidyl-2-haloacetyl hydrazines as substrate analogue inhibitors toward cathepsin B and calpains, Societa' Chimica Italiana - XVII National Congress, Genova, Italy.
Calabretta, R., Gallina, C., Giordano, C. & others (1992). Iodo and Diiodotyrosine epoxysuccinyl derivatives as inhibitors of cystein proteases, Proteine '92, Pavia, Italy.
Calabretta, R., Gallina, C., Giordano, C. & others (1992). N-haloacetylazapeptides as inhibitors of cathepsin B, Proteine '92, Pavia, Italy.
Calabretta, R., Gallina, C., Giordano, C. & others (1992). Iodo and Diiodotyrosine epoxysuccinyl derivatives as selective inhibitors of cathepsin B and calpains, Societa' Chimica Italiana - XVII National Congress, Genova, Italy. Ott. 25-30, 1992.
Calabretta, R., Gallina, C., Giordano, C. & others (1991). N-haloacetyl-N'peptidyl hydrazines as active site directed cysteine proteases inhibitors, Societa' Chimica Italiana, Divisione Chimica Farmaceutica - X National Congress, Siena, Italy.
Calabretta, R., Gallina, C. & Giordano, C. (1990). Synthesis of Cbz and boc alkyl and aralkyl hydrazines. Societa' Chimica Italiana - XVI National Congress, S. Benedetto del Tronto, Italy.
Raffaele Calabretta
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies
Italian National Research Council (C.N.R.), Rome, Italy
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